Bebe Wahyu: The End is Near

Bebe Wahyu: The End is Near

In such an ugly world for something so beautiful,Then you can never have too much of a good thing.

So stay inspired always!
Maybe all the good things are wild & free.

With the prettiest of getting ready..

Create, never elaborate.

Capture, but let things go.

I can tell the exact equipment we use.

But it wouldn't mean a thing if it did'nt mean a thing to you..

Coeurs Morts are everywhere, tell me what they looked like?

(They had light inside their eyes)

Did they seem too real to you?

Did they follow you to town?

Location: Konyos Studio, Bogor
In Frame: Bebe Wahyu

Part of Behind The Scene of Cause - Farewell Show
Inspired from Cause - The End is Near

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